Do you live in a non-German-speaking country and would like to send Bittel TV first-hand information from there? Then please add your name to this list.
We absolutely need your Telegram username so that we can add you to the respective private group. This is not your real name, which is visible in Telegram. It always starts with the character @

Gib hier deinen Telegram-Namen ein, beginnend mit @ / Your Telegram username starting with @
Gib hier deinen Vornamen ein für die Kommunikation / Your first name for communication with you
Gib hier die E-Mail Adresse für Rückfragen an / Please e-mail adress for further questions
Gib hier das Land ein, in dem Du lebst/The country You live in
Wähle die Sprachen aus, die Du beherrschst / The languages you speak